Monday, March 05, 2007

Defenestration Redux

OK...been away for a while writing movies. There's lot's going on, and I'll try to get back to the blogging thing.

More bad news from Russia....

Having done some journalism in my time, I take it personally when my colleagues die. And too many have been dying recently.

Russia seems to be a particularly bad place to practice the craft these days. Word came today of the death of Ivan Safronov, the military affairs writer for Kommersant. He criticized the Russian military.

Then he apparently fell out of his 5th story window.

According to the AP story on the CBS News website, "Safronov's colleagues and relatives have described him as a strong, cheerful person who would be extremely unlikely to kill himself."

Oh yeah. Those are exactly the type of folks who jump out of a window. In their own apartment.

Last October, Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya was fatally shot. In her apartment. For criticizing the Russian military.


You be the judge.

Of course in the long run...the bad guys can't win. They never do.

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