Wednesday, November 26, 2008


So the Financial Times had a piece yesterday about how Pakistan's government was going to remove the military from politics. They said they had disbanded the political wing of the ISI, Pakistan's intelligence agency in order to "sharply reduce the military's influence in politics." Yup. They just gave up, rolled up their tents and went home. "We're done. No more politics for us. It was just getting to be too much of a hassle."

And if you believe that, I have a few leftover WMD's you may be interested in in Iraq.

Oh...but it gets better. According to the FT, "Asif Ali Zardari made one of the strongest overtures of any Pakistani president to India. He offered to abandon Pakistan's first-strike nuclear threat, sign a South Asian nuclear non-proliferation treaty and join India in an economic union."

I know what you're thinking..."where did they find that much tequila in a muslim country?"

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